5 Vegas Series A Torpedos Box of 20

I am a cigar enthusiast and smoker and have been smoking cigars for a duration of 1+ years.
Over that time I have purchased a few cigar bundles and many singles.
Experimenting in finding what I like and don’t and sharing with others my take on that.

Over time, experiencing different manufacturer’s cigar and their line(s) of cigars to choose from I have come across a few favorites.
It will take me years to try them all, but as I come across some enjoyable smokes throughout my journey, I buy them by the box.
Also it’s cheaper that way. My latest purchase is the 5 Vegas Series A Alpha Torpedos.
Cigars that I choose most are torpedos, belicosos, churchills and lonsdales. I tend to like 48-52 gauge best for their flavor value.

The taste of these cigars are that of rich choloate ( like Bakers chocolate ) and coffee with a spice finish.
Transitions that normally occur as it’s smoked are said to be roasted nuts, pepper and cherry ( some people say )
It’s a full bodied, full flavor, full strength smoke and is best enjoyed after a meal and compliments a strong coffee.
A nicotine hit can be felt as you smoke this one.

Here’s some pictures of my latest purchase. ( click on picture for a full view )

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